Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, a European commission call launched in April is a flagship initiative of the EU-Africa Global Gateway Investment Package's Youth Mobility for Africa program. With an investment of €27 million, the scheme aims to promote youth exchanges and mobility in Africa, strengthen Africa's higher education space and contribute to its economic, social, and human development.
The Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme is aligned with the UN Transforming Education Summit's commitments and the European Year of Skills. The scheme prioritizes projects that support the participation of youth, women, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds, with special needs or vulnerable status. It aims to improve the quality, relevance, and internationalization of higher education in Africa by placing a special focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation in curricula and research programs. The scheme will enable students and staff to gain international experience, enhancing their knowledge and skills, particularly in green jobs.
To apply for the scheme, a consortium composed of 4–6 higher education institutions from eligible countries in Africa and one higher education institution from the EU must submit an application. The selected consortia will organize activities to implement the mobility of Master and Doctoral level students, trainees, and academic and administrative university staff within Africa. The EU technical partner will support the academic, administrative, and financial management of the project and mobility plan through knowledge transfer and experience sharing.
The Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme is a significant initiative that will have a positive impact on Africa's higher education and integration. By promoting mobility, it will contribute to Africa's economic and social development, particularly in green jobs. The scheme's emphasis on inclusivity and supporting disadvantaged groups will also contribute to reducing inequalities and promoting social cohesion in Africa.
Photo courtesy / Euraxess Africa
Article by Research Beeline reporter